Labov Building--3 Rector Street
On December 18, 2008, MNC won it's appeal against the proposed
five story overbuild of 3 Rector. The project is stopped.
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In 2005, developers proposed to demolish the historic
mill building at 3 Rector Street to build 17 condos.
June 8, 2005 letter from MNC to Historical Commission
opposing the demolition of the building
Minutes of the June 10, 2005 Historical Commission hearing
where the demolition was denied.
June 10, 2005 letter from MNC to Councilman Nutter
asking him to reconsider his support of the demolition
of the building.
June 10, 2005 letter from Councilman Nutter
supporting the demolition of 3 Rector Street.
The developers appealed the Historical Commission's
denial to the Board of Building Standards.
July 7, 2005 letter from MNC to the Board of Building
Standards opposing the demolition of 3 Rector.
The Board upheld the denial. The developers appealed
to the L&I Review Board but dropped the appeal before
any hearings. They then went on to propose building
on top of the exisiting building.
MNC met with the developers in December 2005 about the
overbuild concept. We felt the devlopers did not present
sufficient detail to support the concept.
January 30, 2006 letter from MNC to the Architectural
Committee of the Historical Commission supporting the
recommendation of the Historical Commission staff to
deny the application.
June 9, 2006 letter from MNC to the Historical
Commission, opposing the overbuild.
June 16, 2006, developers file for zoning variance.
22 unit condo overbuild.
June 21, 2006 approval, by the Historical Commission,
of the overbuild.
July 5, 2006 MNC appeal to the Board of Building Standards
July 11, 2006 MNC appeal accepted.
July 14, 2006 letter from the developer's attorney
to the Board of Building Standards, challenging our
standing to appeal.
July 20, 2006 letter from Councilman Nutter's
chief of staff, Julia Chapman, supporting the
overbuild proposal.
MNC talking points for the July 20, 2007 Board of
Building Standards hearing.
August 15, 2006 Board of Building Standards denies
MNC's appeal.
August 16, 2006 letter from MNC to ZBA opposing
the overbuild.
October 2, 2006 letter to Julia Chapman, urging the
council office not to support a zoning variance.
At this point Councilman Nutter had resigned to run
for mayor and his chief of staff, Julia Chapman,
was running the office. Note, the date on the letter,
June 10 2005 is incorrect. The letter was sent
October 2, 2006 in anticipation of a October 4 hearing.
Notes for our October 4, 2006 testimony at the ZBA.
October 4, 2006, Julia Chapman enters a support letter
at the ZBA
Transcript of October 4, 2006 ZBA hearing
November 30, 2006 the ZBA granted the variance
MNC appealed the decision.
February 21, 2007 Board of Building Standards
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law.
MNC appealed Board of Building Standards descision
sustaining the Historical Commission's approval of
the overbuild. This is the legal document describing
and supporting their decision.
February 26, 2007, developer's attorney attempts
to have our Board of Building Standards appeal
dismissed for lack of standing
MNC's March 19, 2007 response to the motion
to quash.
On April 18, 2007, MNC is granted standing in the
Board of Building Standards appeal.
May 1, 2007, the ZBA produced it's findings of
facts and conclusions of law.
May 7, 2007 MNC filed our breif in the common
plead appeal to the Board of Building Standards
June 1, 2007 -- Developer brief to Common Pleas
in BBS appeal.
Exhibits )
June 4, 2007 -- City of Philadelphia brief to Common Pleas
in BBS appeal.
July 26, 2007 -- MNC loses our appeal. Historical
Commission approval stands.
Zoning appeal is still ongoing
August 8, 2007 -- MNC's brief to Common Pleas
in ZBA appeal
December 4, 2007 -- MNC loses the Common Pleas
zoining appeal.
We appeal to the Commonwealth courts (state)
January 23, 2008 -- Developers moves to have our
Commonwealth appeal dismissed
February 4, 2008 -- MNC files it's Statment
of Issues in the appeal.
This lays out the basis for our appeal.
February 6, 2008 -- MNC files it's reply to the
motion to quash.
February 12, 2008 -- Motion to quash is denied.
Appeal will go forward
April 23, 2008 -- MNC's brief to the Commonwealth Court
May 23, 2008 -- Developer's brief
December 18, 2008 -- Happy Holidays!
MNC won the appeal and the overbuild project
is stopped.