Zoning--Saint Mary's
Quality of Life / Welcome To Manayunk
Neighborhood Brochure (and as a tri-fold brochure suitable for printing)
Pretzel Park
Traffic & Parking
Venice Island
Email Lists
Local Legislators
  • Councilman Curtis Jones Jr.
  • State Representative Tarik Kahn

  • Numbers to Know
    Numbers to Know

    CLIP Brochure
    Philadelphia Community Life Improvement Program (CLIP) website and brochure. The CLIP program provides graffiti abatement, vacant lot cleaning, help with cleanups, community service opportunities, surveillance cameras, abandoned auto removal, and more.


    Manayunk Opinion
    Survey from 1997

    Imagine Philadelphia

    Philadelphia Rowhouse Manual
    Rowhouse Manual
    Other Planning Commission Publications

    PO BOX 4667, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19127

    NEXT MEETING: The next scheduled meeting will be March 5, 2025 at 7:00 PM.
    (The meeting will be held via ZOOM). Meeting location and date details. )
    Renew / Join / Donate
    Board Bylaws

    Schuylkill River Flood Level
    RealTime: USGS Graph (Fairmount Dam and Green Lane Bridge) / NOAA Graph

    ZOOM General Meeting March 5, 2025 at 7:00PM

    Register for the meeting

    When registering please pick the date of the meeting you are registering for.

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    In addition to normal meeting business there will be one zoning case on the agenda.

    The case will involve a presentation and questions and answers with the presenters. After which the presenters will leave the meeting and the attendees will hold any additional discussion and finally a vote.


    4461 Silverwood

    The owner is proposting to convert this single family row home to multi-family. Multi-family homes are not allowed in the zoning district.

    The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 PM.

    Admission will begin 10 minutes before the start. At 6:50: PM.

    Please help us out by joining the meeting early and waiting in the ZOOM waiting room to be admitted.

    During the meeting, attendees will normally be muted. Use the 'raise hand' feature of ZOOM when you wish to ask a question. The meeting administrator will un-mute you and announce you.

    Black Lives Matter protests are sweeping the region, the nation and the world. Manayunk Neighborhood Council supports these protests and the elimination of systematic racism in our police and other institutions. Manayunk Neighborhood Council continues to oppose racism in all its forms.
    LINKS A collection of books, journal articles and magazine content that amplifies Black voices and the issues raised by the Black Lives Matter movement

    George Floyd's Autopsy and the Structural Gaslighting of America

    Bicentennial of the Manayunk Canal news release

    263 Hermitage Update: Zoning Hearing Wednesday April 25 at 2:00 PM.

    Update! New plans for Saint Marys Approved.
    At a public meeting, Thursday January 11, 2018, attendees voted overwhelmingly to support the new plan for 21 houses, 35 apartments, parking for North Light and (some) parking for the community.

    On May 18, 2017, Councilman Jones withdrew bill 170009 to re-zone the Saint Mary's property for 100 apartments. Manayunk project at St. Mary's put on hold
    CBS Philly -- City Councilman Withdraws Manayunk Apartment Bill

    YO YO YO

    Huge thanks and congratulations to the 250 dedicated neighbors who came out to question Councilman Jones March 7

    But Now It's Time To Do It Again And Lets Make It 350!

    Developer Jack Bienenfeld will present his plans for 100 apartments on the Saint Mary's property
    And he REALLY wants to hear what you think

    Wednesday March 22, 2017 at 7:30 PM

    North Light Community Center - 175 Green Lane

    Moderated by State Representative Pam DeLissio

    We have a lot of questions and we hope you do too!

    YO YO YO

    Community Meeting for St. Mary's Redevelopment
    Wednesday December 14, 2016, 7:30PM
    North Light Community Center
    175 Green Lane

    The complete St. Mary of the Assumption church property has been up for sale for some time and now there is now an agreement of sale (i.e. a developer has agreed to purchase the property). This is a large property (73,000 square feet) and stretches between Gay Street and Carson (with Conarroe in the middle). It includes the parking lot (100 spaces), church, school, rectory and convent.

    The developer, planning commission and our Councilman are all pressing for a high-density multi-family apartment development.

    This meeting is your chance to exchange information and get your opinions on the record.

    Get the latest info at our Saint Mary of the Assumption zoning page.

    2016 Harvest Festival / Halloween in Manayunk
    Second ever Luckys Last Chance FOPP Beer Garden
    Events for Kids, Dogs, and Adults in Pretzel Park and on Venice Island!
    Saturday October 22, 10 AM - 5 PM

    One Valley Bluegrass Festival--Free Concert in Pretzel Park
    First ever FOPP Craft Beer Tent
    Saturday August 20, Noon - 6 PM

    Blues on the Green--Free Concert in Pretzel Park
    Saturday August 6, Noon - 6 PM

    Community Meeting for St. Mary's Redevelopment
    Wednesday March 23, 2016, 7:30PM
    North Light Community Center
    175 Green Lane

    The complete St. Mary of the Assumption church property has been up for sale for some time and now there is now an agreement of sale (i.e. a developer has agreed to purchase the property). This is a large property (73,000 square feet) and stretches between Gay Street and Carson (with Conarroe in the middle). It includes the parking lot (100 spaces), church, school, rectory and convent.

    How this property will be redeveloped will have a huge impact on the neighborhood.

    The developer is still working on their design and is not yet ready to present a proposal. So now's the time to get our ideas in.

    There many possible scenarios, from 45 by-right houses to a combination of townhouses and apartments with 100-150 units or who knows what else.

    • Will the buildings be kept and converted or torn down?
    • How much parking will be provided?
    • Will there be parking for the neighbors?
    • Will there be parking for North Light?
    • Will the developer build by-right, or seek a variance, or will the Councilman sponsor a bill to City Council to rezone the parcel?

    This meeting is your chance to exchange information and get your opinions on the record, for the developer, and our public officials. Councilman Jones will be represented at the meeting. We are also hoping to have the Planning Commission and church represented.

    2015 Fall Festival Saturday October 31, from 10am to 5pm.

    More fun than you can shake a pumpkin at. Face painting, vendors, music, the Farmers Market, and a great musical lineup, spells a whole day of fun and still time for the kiddies in the evening!

    Don't miss the Zombie Thriller Dance off at 4pm. Put on your best Zombie Costume and show your best moves. Register at EventBrite

    There's nothing more fun dressing up your puppy and posting pictures on the internet, but, yes there is something more fun! Dress up your puppy and join in the Pretzel Park Fall Festival Dog Parade, for fun and prizes. 11 am in Pretzel Park.

    • 10:00 -- Germantown Shout Band -New Orleans Brass Band to Get Things Started
    • 11:00 -- Dog Parade
    • 11:15 -- EJ Simpson -Songwriter Par Excellence
    • 12:15 -- White Cheddar Boys - Old Timey Americana Banjo Delights
    • 1:30 -- Max Mifflin Jazz Quartet - Jazz Like a Balm to Your Soul
    • 2:40 -- Merge Dance Studio Exhibition
    • 3:00 -- Wolves in White - Rock of ages
    • 4:00 -- Zombie Thriller Dance Off (Register at EventBrite)

    Three Men & Three Women in Black Johnny Cash Concert
    Satruday August 29 6pm

    Pretzel Park's First Twilight Concert of the 2015 Season
    Satruday June 20 6pm
    Photos From The Concert

    Manayunk Development Corporation's Mummers Mardi Gras Parade in Manayunk February 28, 2015

    2014 Fall Festival--Saturday October 25

    • Farmers Market 10am to 2pm
    • Music All Day
    • Halloween Costume Parade for the kids
    • Halloween Costume Parade for the dogs
    • Food Trucks
    • Vendors
    • Beautiful Weather
    • Fun for All

    Stay DENIED. Bunting House, at 5901 Ridge Ave, Demolished Friday 12/13/2012

    5901 Ridge Ave. Demolished

    The Civic's request for a stay of demolition has been denied. The stay was requested to prevent the house from being demolished before the appeals of the demolition permit could be heard. The only thing standing in the way of demolition was any concern or second thoughts, by the Giovannones, about consequences should the civics win the appeals or consequenses of defying a community determined to maintain and preserve it's heritage and character.

    There were no second thoughts.
    (photos of the demolition)

    Frank Giovannoni wasn't kidding when he said the building meant nothing to him and that there were buildings like it all up and down the Ridge. Frank was responding to a direct question by Judge Fox at the December 10 injunction hearing. Central Roxborough Civic Association led a coalition of civics in an attempt to get a stay of the proposed demolition, pending appeal hearings to the Zoning Board and L&I Board of Review.

    There are, of course, not buildings, up and down the Ridge, comparable to the Bunting House. And maybe Frank was just expressing his frustration at the mess they have made. On the other hand, the strings are maybe really being pulled by the anonymous face(s) hiding behind 5901 Ridge LLC. So in the end it doesn't really matter what Frank thinks.

    On Thursday December 13 the judge entered her decision denying the stay pending the appeals. On Friday morning, a crew from Haines and Kibblehouse were out insuring nobody would be changing their minds. After knocking off for the weekend, the crew was back out to finish the knocking down on Monday.

    In two days, another piece of Roxborough heritage and 132 years of history were reduced to a pile of rubble. The only things saved were those that scavengers were able to cart away over the weekend.

    The Giovannonis, as best we know, are now planning to market the empty lot to fast food restaurants, banks and drug store chains.

    See the 5901 Ridge Avea> memorial web site for the latest news.
    After two months of meetings, Giovannone Construction declared that they were unable to find a buyer for their lot(s) with the Bunting House still standing. Central Roxborough Civic Association, Manayunk Neighborhood Council, Ridge Park Civic Association, Wissahickon Interested Citizens and Wissahickon Neighbors Civic Association have all appealed the demolition permits issued by the city. That appeal will now go forward. The appeal hearing will be held Tuesday 12/4/2012, 3:30 PM in room 696 of City Hall,

    In September, 2012 Giovannone Construction pulled permits for the complete demolition of the beautiful Victorian building at the corner of Roxborough Ave and Ridge Ave, 5901 Ridge Ave.

    As of 7 am Wed September 26, Central Roxborough Civic Association has filed appeals against the demolition permits and for a temporary restraining order agaist the demolition.

    It is reported in a Roxborough Patch Article that Giovannone claims the building is unsound and there only plans are an empty lot.

    Folks have put together an on-line petition where you can register your support for keeping the building.

    Manayunk Neighborhood Council is asking people to contact Councilman Jones and Giovannone Construction and let them know what you think.

    Councilman Curtis Jones Jr.
    Room 404, City Hall
    Philadelphia, PA 19107
    Phone: 215-686-3416
    Fax: 216-686-1934
    Constituent Services:

    Frank and Anthony Giovannone
    Giovannone Construction
    5003 Umbria St Ste 200
    Philadelphia, PA 19128
    Phone: 1-215-487-1340
    Giovannone Construction Inc.
    2160 Harts Ln.
    Conshohocken, PA 19428
    Fax: 610-825-8312

    Friends Of Pretzel Park
    Pretzel Park Summer First Friday Concert Series

    Philadelphia University Day of Service in Pretzel Park September 27, 2011

    MNC Neighborhood Brochure

    Thanks go to Darlene and Carrie from the MNC Quality of Life Committee for a great brochure

    The Manayunk Club
    Created by Manayunk Neighborhood Council through the Scribe Video Center Precious Places Program

    The Manayunk Canal
    Created by Manayunk Neighborhood Council through the Scribe Video Center Precious Places Program

    Flood Galleries
    Hurricane Ivan, Sept 04
    Hurricane Jeanne, Sept 04
    Just Rain, October 05
    Just Rain, June 06
    Tropical Depression Ida, September 2, 2021

    The Manayunk Club
    Created by Manayunk Neighborhood Council through the Scribe Video Center Precious Places Program
    The Manayunk Canal
    Created by Manayunk Neighborhood Council through the Scribe Video Center Precious Places Program

    To develop and maintain an informed and productive membership.
    To notify, inform, and involve residents in decisions that affect their neighborhood.
    To promote a unified and sustainable community

    About Manayunk Neighborhood Council

    Manayunk Neighborhood Council is a not-for-profit civic association founded in the 1950's and incorporated in 1970. We are a community organization for the residents of Manayunk and Roxborough.

    Residents are proud of their unique and historic neighborhood. Not long ago, our neighborhood was largely populated by owner occupied homes where children grew up and moved around the corner. The Council is working to reestablish the friendly, cozy community that made Manayunk the popular place it is today for tourists, businesses, and developers.

    Our community is changing rapidly. These changes brought many improvements to the neighborhood but they have also caused problems for residents. MNC is working with other civic groups, city officials, planners and developers to promote ethical, responsible, and sustainable development.

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