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Manayunk Neighborhood Council
263 Hermitage Street

Page updated: 2025-02-05 19:55
Update: April 22 2018 -- The case will be presented at the zoning board of adjustments at 1515 Arch, Wednesday April 25, 2018 at 2:00 PM. Manayunk Neighborhood Council is opposed to this project.
What can you do
Write to the zoning board -- Attend the zoning hearing -- Contact Councilman Jones
Zoning hearing date: Wednesday April 25 at 2:00 PM
Appeal number: 32911
Update: April 4 2018 -- Updated plans werw presented at the April 4 General Meeting. The changes were cosmetic in nature and didn't address the fundimental objections to the project.
March 2018
Property owner, Peter Economou, is seeking to redevelop his property at 263 Hermitage.

The current stately building is the former Koller Funeral Home. It was converted long ago to multiple apartments.

Mr. Economou is seeking to demolish the existing building and replace it with nine row-houses / dwelling units sideways on the deep lot.

The MNC zoning committee has met with Mr. Economou and reviewed the plans, and are highly critical.

The proposal, beyond demolishing the original historic house (though not certified historic), over develops the site and does not conform with the recently passed Ridge Park Roxborough Neighborhood Conservation overlay.

Mr. Economou will be at the March 7 2018 general meeting to describe his project. All are encouraged to attend and give their opinion on this project.

Public Meeting THURSDAY MARCH 8, 2018, 7:30 PM at Venice Island Performing Arts and Recreation Center
On Venice Island between Cotton and Lock Streets

Due to the storm and rec center closing the March meeting is moved to Thursday March 8. Still at the VI rec center and still at 7:30 PM. Stay tuned for updates or join our MNC mailing list
PDF of the plans

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