It's up to us to keep our neighborhood clean and safe.
To do this we must notify the proper agency to report violations. In recent years, the city has become more responsive to our needs. Please help us keep Manayunk clean, safe, and quiet.


Street & Walkways Education & Enforcement Program (SWEEP) is a City-run program created to educate Philadelphia citizens about their responsibilities under the Sanitation Code. SWEEP enforces the law through street patrols by uniformed officers, computerized tracking of code violation notices, and adjudication of violations. Through education and enforcement, SWEEP supports and enhances individual and community efforts to maintain a clean City.

Compliance with the sanitation laws is cost effective. Keeping litter off the streets to begin with is less expensive than cleaning it up.

SWEEP officers will work with residential communities to address problem locations. In cases of non-compliance, SWEEP officers will issue warnings and citations to the appropriate individuals.

SWEEP is a comprehensive, centralized, and accessible resource for information about the Sanitation Code. Intensified patrols by SWEEP officers will increase awareness of the Sanitation Code. Intensified patrols by SWEEP officers will increase awareness of the Sanitation Code, reduce the number of violations, and hold violators accountable, to make Philadelphia a cleaner and safer place for all to do business.

To visit the SWEEP website click here.

Clear Away Snow and Ice

Within six hours of the end of a snowfall or freezing rain, you must clear a path at least 30 inches wide on your sidewalk. Do not shovel or sweep the snow into the street. The penalty for violating this regulation can range from a minimum fine of $25 up to $300 for each violation.

Related Services Provided by other Agencies

Crimes (from cars parked illegally & truancy to burglary & violence) - Police Dept - 911
(Note: 911 is not just for emergencies anymore)
Abandoned Cars - Police Dept - 215-683-2277
Abandoned Houses- Dept of Licenses & Inspections - 215-686-2463
Littered Lots - Dept of Licenses & Inspections - 215-686-2463
Litter Enforcement - Sanitation Police - 215-685-3097
Litter Prevention Education - PhilaPride - 215-575-5823
Water/Sewer Inlet Cleaning - Water Department -215-592-6300

City of Philadelphia Sanitation Codes

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