Community MeetingsJanuary 3, 2001February 7, 20017:30 P.M.North Light Community Center A vote will be takenPlease bring proof of residence. (see section on What Happens Next) |
Increased traffic and parking demands have diminished the quality of life of residents in the area. Several residential blocks near Main Street have had Residential Permit Parking regulations posted. The proposal outline below attempts to refine the existing program and expand the boundaries. |
What Is Residential Permit Parking?Residential blocks are posted with a parking limit of two hours but residents with permits are exempt from the time limit. This stimulates turnover of nonresident vehicles thereby increasing the parking opportunities for residents. While the program does not guarantee a parking space, it does prevent vehicles of nonresidents from parking for extended periods of time. |
Who Is Eligible for a Permit?Any vehicle whose owner is a resident of the permit parking district is eligible so long as the applicant shows proof of residence and the vehicle is registered within the permit parking district. Vehicles registered anywhere outside the permit parking district are not eligible for permits. Vehicles with three or more outstanding parking violation fines are not eligible for permits. A vehicle is an automobile, motorcycle, van or passenger utility vehicle not exceeding twenty feet in length. A permit can be obtained for a company car if it can demonstrate to the Parking Authority that the resident is the principal operator and that it is a company car. |
During What Hours Would There Be Enforcement?The hours of enforcement can be determined by the community but the following hours have been proposed.
![]() What Blocks Would Be Posted?The map at right shows the proposed boundaries for the Manayunk Permit Parking District. Within that area all residential blocks would be posted for permit parking. A residential block is defined as having at least 51% of a ground floor occupancy residential in nature. Blocks not meeting that criteria will not be posted. Please review our detailed map if there are more questions about which blocks or addresses are included. |
How Is The Program Enforced?Parking Enforcement Officers will be assigned to patrol the area. They record the license plate number of all vehicles which do not have permits. If the vehicle remains on the block after the time limit a $15 parking ticket is issued. |
Is There a Cost For The Program?Permits cost $35 per vehicle for the first year and $20 for annual renewal. Visitor permits are available for $15 for 15 days. A $10 transfer fee is required for any interim permit replacement necessitated by vehicle or license tag changes. |
Can Residents Obtain Permits For Multiple Cars?Every car registered to an address in the permit area is eligible for a permit. There are no discount rates for multiple cars. |
How Are Visitor Permits Obtained?Visitor permits must be purchased from the Parking Authority at 3101 Market Street. The license plate number of the visiting car must be provided. Consecutive permits for one license number are not allowed except under certain circumstances. Visitor permits are available for multiple cars for special situations. |
What Happens next?Community meetings will be held on January 3 and February 7 at North Light Community Center, 175 Green Lane. A representative from the Parking Authority will be present to answer questions about the program. A vote will be taken to determine if the community is in favor of the program. Only one vote per household is allowed. Identification to show proof of residence will be required. A drivers license, passport, state I.D. or current utility bill for the residence will be accepted. If the proposal passes, Councilman Nutter will be contacted with details of the plan for Manayunk and asked to draft an ordinance. The legislation will then go before City Council. If it passes, signs will be posted and permits sold. |
Has Permit Parking Worked in Other Areas?There are currently 28 districts in every section of the City. It is particularly successful when a community is impacted by visitors who live outside the area such as near a transit stop, hospital or entertainment area. After permit parking regulations are posted, communities find parking for residents much more accessible. It is not the answer to every parking problem, in that it cannot create additional parking spaces, but it does reduce the impact of nonresidents on a neighborhood. |