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NOTICE - ROUTES 9, 35, 61 &
SEPTA plans to discontinue Route 35. They will replace portions of the service with extensions of Routes 61 and 9. Route 9 will be extended back to Andorra. The 61 express will become the Route 62. A public hearing will be held, concerning this proposal, on: Wednesday, January 19, 7 PM Phila. Police
Dept., 5th District Septa says that in order to continue service to Route 35 customers in Manayunk and Roxborough, they will realign Route 61 to serve their areas. Most Route 61 trips that currently terminate at Container Loop would be rerouted up to Ridge Ave. via Fountain Street. Route 61 would return via Ridge, Roxborough, Manayunk, and Leverington Aves. Levels of service would correspond with the current Route 35. |
on Silverwood between Leverington and Fountain, and service on Silverwood
and Green Lane between Leverington and Ridge will be discontinued.
Route 9 would be extended from Ridge & Summit to Ridge Avenue & Cathedral Road. Peak hour Route 61 express trips would be re-named Route 62, with no change in service levels. Andorra (Cathedral Road, Wissahickon Avenue, Grakyn Lane and Old Line Road) will continue to be served by Route 62. If you cannot attend the public hearing, your written comments will be entered into the record and afforded the same consideration as if you testified at the hearing. Comments must be received by January 12, 2005. Send comments to SECRETARY, SEPTA, 1234 Market Street, 10th Floor, Phila., PA 19107-3780. Continued on Page 2 |
In a call to citizenship, we asked you to attend four meetings a year. At last months meeting, we heard about a fuel oil co-op to lower winter heating bills. We viewed plans for the towpath and lower Venice Island. And a developer asked us what we would like to see built at Leverington near Main St. We also learned we won two zoning issues. Change is happening all around us. Not all of it is good. Many of us up are upset by new developments. But we have a choice. We can work for positive change or we can be victimized by negative change. We live in a nation where citizens are meant to govern themselves. The neighborhood civics are the closest we have to the Minutemen, who on a moments notice would rise to protect their community. Now, we fight with our letters, e-mails, our voices, and our votes. Without your involvement, our community, and perhaps even your block, will suffer. |
In November 2003,
MNC was selected by Scribe Video Center to be part of the Precious Places
project. Our precious place was the Manayunk Club.
On May 1, twenty neighborhood groups joined in a unique citywide video history project. On this day, neighborhood video crews dispersed throughout the City recording stories. Continued on page 2 |
WEDNESDAYJANUARY 5, 2005MEETING AGENDA Septa will discuss proposals to cut the Route 35. Guy Lauren will present plans for 30 condos at 275 Levering-ton, site of A J LaCourse. Friends of Pretzel Park will discuss plans to repair and improve the dog run. |
ROUTE 35 (continued) |
Manayunk Club (continued) |
The current route of the 35 bus is good for residents. It goes from destination to destination (Wissahickon Transfer Center to Andorra) through the neighborhood to reach the most riders. One reason for the current route is the old route was a big loop. Loop routes are inefficient. You have to ride the route all the way around on the return trip to get home. The proposed 61 extension is a big loop. Many riders of the 35 bus are seniors that have no other way of getting around. An original plan of the current route was to go straight down Leverington. Seniors came out and pleaded that the buses go to Green Lane. They are happy with the current route that goes from Leverington to Green Lane along Silverwood. The seniors that live in that area will be stranded if that piece is removed. For the past year or two there has been much construction along the route. Green Lane and Silverwood Street has been closed. Fountain and Silverwood and Leverington and Silverwood streets were closed for weeks at a time. The route has gone on all kinds of detours making it confusing to everyone. Of course ridership was low. The route 35 bus has never been marketed. One mandate of Septa before they cut any route is that they market the route. The current route was planned for two buses but has 3 peak vehicles that increase the cost. Could adjustments be made to reduce the number of peak vehicles? Septa has been invited to the January 5 meeting of Manayunk Neighborhood Council. They need to hear from the riders! Route 35 Public Hearing will be at the |
Precious Places was conceived as a way of marking
Scribe's 20th Anniversary. It documents neighborhoods and the people, buildings,
public spaces and landmarks that hold the memory of a community and define
where we live.
This is a critical time for Philadelphia neighborhoods, as many are undergoing significant change. Community organizations chose subjects as diverse as a beloved jazz club, a hundred year old tree, a forgotten cemetery, the Underground Railroad, and achievements of people buffeted by deindustrialization and on the verge of becoming displaced. Philadelphia neighborhoods are experiencing constant change. Some are thriving, but others face uncertain futures. Creating an opportunity for residents to document their own neighborhoods allows all of us to see the richness of the city and provides a unique perspective of the city from the viewpoint of the people who live here. The movie is an 8 minute documentary with interviews of residents connect ed to the Manayunk Club. It contains footage of Manayunk and historic photos. The Manayunk Club was built on the cliff above Silverwood Street as 'Fairview Cottage' by wealthy mill owner, John Campbell, around 1860. After his death in 1873, "Fairview Cottage" was sold at sheriffs' sale. A few years later "Fairview Cottage" was purchased by mill owner, James Preston, where he died in 1888. Two years later another mill owner, Joseph Adams, bought the mansion. He died there in 1915. In the 1920's Saint John's Church, relocated its Manayunk Club, a men's social club, to the vacant "Fairview Cottage" then called the "Adams Mansion." Ownership passed from the church to private hands and the Manayunk Club became a private social club. It ended as an after- hours club before it closed in 2000. The Manayunk Club was added to the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places in 1999. |
December 1, 2004 General Meeting |
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by MNC President, Kevin Smith.
He began by saying the minutes of the November meeting were in the newsletter
and the financial report was on the agenda.
The first speaker was Emily Schiller, from PIRG Fuel Buyers. Emily explained how they save people money on oil heat. PIRG Fuel Buyers work with certain oil dealers and buy bulk to obtain a cheaper price. They pass on a savings of 10 to 20 cents per gallon. Ms. Schiller had brochures with additional information and applications. The next guest was real estate broker, John McClatchy. He purchased or plans to purchase 59 Leverington, the site of the old dog kennel on Leverington near Main and Rambo's Ice House located behind the property. Mr. McClatchy was at our meeting to get ideas on the type of retail we would support. He suggested a Trader Joe's or mini-mart gas station. A board member brought up the heavy rush hour traffic in that area. Mr. McClatchy said he plans to work with Councilman Nutter's office and get a traffic study. He wants to have the safest and best use for Manayunk and is open to all ideas. Another Board Member asked if they are open to uses other than retail. He said yes. The Board Member then suggested a bed and breakfast or small inn. Another person suggested a Book Store. Trader Joe's got the most support. Next on the agenda was Dan Neducsin and his nephew Rob. Dan had to leave so Rob presented Dan's plans for the property at 4163 Main Street. This is the site of a brick boiler room, an empty lot, and three run down row homes across from Pompanoosuc Mills. Mr. Neducsin plans to demolish the 3 houses. He will build a furniture store on the lots and incorporate the brick building. He will include 4 apartments above the store. His first plans were turned down by the Historic Commission as not in keeping with the character of Manayunk. Mr. Neducsin worked with the Commission and reworked his plans until they were approved. The Commission preferred a |
"mill building look". The facade will be limestone block. Some in the audience felt the plans still did not fit the neighborhood while others thought they were good. Next, we were introduced to Bob Brown of Brown & Keener Bressi. Mr. Brown presented a slide show of guidelines to open the backs of the stores on Main Street to the towpath. His vision is to have balconies and bay windows and if possible entrances open to the towpath. His guidelines would prevent businesses from putting columns on the towpath and protect the openness of the path. They would encourage outdoor seating as long as 10 ft. of boardwalk or towpath remain open. Suggestions from the attendees were to add bicycle racks and small gardens. The meeting continued with discussion of the Master Plan for Lower Venice Island. Andropogon Assoc. is working with Brown & Keener Bressi on this plan. Theresa Durkin of Andropogon handed out a document explaining the purpose and scope of the project. The project area is about 5 acres. It runs from Cotton Street to Lock Street and down to the point of the island across from the Brew Pub. Ms. Durkin introduced the project and asked the neighbors for suggestions of what they would like on Lower VI. Some wanted areas for people to access the river. Other ideas were to stack uses like a basketball or hockey court on top of a parking structure. The plan must be environmentally friendly. The City of Philadelphia owns all the property. If the neighborhood mandates and takes initiative to build on the island, we could get the activities we want. Various City Departments, such as the Dept. of Recreation, will be sitting in on the discussions. The time line for this project is spring of 2005. That is when the Water Dept. is to start construction on an underground holding tank. The project coordinators are going to put plans down on paper and readjust them as necessary. MNC will set up a special meeting for residents to present their ideas. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. |
275 Leverington - Guy Laren will present plans to develop
the site at Leverington and Silverwood at our meeting. His plans are for
30 units in a 4-story building.
266 Krams Avenue - The developer withdraw plans for 2 single family houses due to the neighbors opposition. 4315 Terrace Street - Plans were withdrawn to convert the single family home to a duplex due to opposition. Turners Funeral Home, Ridge Avenue - Provco Development Group plans to rebuild along Ridge Ave. Their project includes Ridge Avenue from Martin St. to Lyceum Ave. Demolition of the lovely, historic Turner Funeral Home, 6028 Ridge, is part of the plan. They also propose to buy 6060 Ridge Ave., Citizens Bank, and the Thistle building on Lyceum. Many residents are concerned about the demolition of Turner's. The developers need to hear suggested uses for the site and reasons to save it. Provco will present their plans at the Central Roxborough Civic meeting on January 6 at 7:30 pm at the Presbyterian Church at Ridge and Hermitage. Use the side entrance off the parking lot. Please attend. |
t is time for dog run users to come to the aid of the park. Your use of
the dog
run is a privilege that requires involvement on your part. Pretzel Park and the dog run are managed by volunteers. The number of volunteers has decreased and is now almost nonexistent. Volunteers that are left are overworked and unable to care for the park and the dog run. We are asking for new volunteers to contact us and pitch in. If dog park users could volunteer one hour per month, the dog park would be back in good condition in no time. The pile of dirt in the corner can be removed and the upper area terraced to prevent this extreme erosion. Dogs would no longer escape and the owners would have a less stressful visit. The future of the dog run will be on the agenda at the meeting at Venice Island on January 5, 2005, 7:30 P.M. We look forward to seeing you there. Remember, it's your park, only you can make it better. Working together is productive, fun, and a great chance to get to know your neighbors. |